Did you know?

Here you can learn a whole range of things about our forests, the wood we harvest from them, and the many different ways we use wood.

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Our native kārearea lives in our pine forests

Nov 28, 2021

The clever kārearea has discovered that the places where pine trees have been harvested make a perfect home to raise its babies.
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The Climate Change Commission wants us to plant a lot more pine trees

Nov 21, 2021

It's the Climate Change Commission's job to give advice to the government on how we can meet our climate goals – and our forests have a big role to play.
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When it comes to forestry – pine trees are number one

Nov 21, 2021

We also grow Douglas-fir, Eucalypts and a few other exotic species.
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Forestry in New Zealand is unique!

Nov 8, 2021

In most countries around the world, indigenous trees are also the trees that are harvested for their wood. In New Zealand we do things a bit differently.
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One pine tree can offset the greenhouse gases created by one sheep

Nov 8, 2021

Over 20 years, one pine tree can absorb the greenhouse gas emissions that come from one sheep over its lifetime.
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We can trace our logs right back to where they were grown

Nov 8, 2021

When our logs arrive at their destination – sometimes across the other side of the world – every single one of them is tagged with information about where they come from.
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Wood products grown in New Zealand travel all over the world

Nov 8, 2021

Forestry is one of our biggest export earners – you can find New Zealand timber in furniture, buildings and many many other uses all over the world.
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Nearly 40% of Aotearoa New Zealand has forests growing on it

Oct 13, 2021

Before humans arrived in New Zealand nearly 80% of New Zealand was covered in forests – only the mountains and the really dry parts of Central Otago didn't have forests on them.